Why go to Playgroup?
Children under five are going through a stage of rapid brain and skill development. For optimum development, young children need a stimulating environment to play and learn. Playgroups offer babies, toddlers and young children a wide variety of early learning experiences.
Playgroup is a great way for your child(ren) to learn about the world, make friends and develop social skills. Playgroup also gives mums, dads, grandparents and caregivers a chance to share ideas and experiences. Many long-term friendships begin at Playgroup.
Playgroup develops physical skills, teaches problem solving, communication and social interaction and, of course, it’s great fun!

Why Playgroup is Important
For Children, PLAYGROUP:
- Provides an environment for social interaction.
- Provides an opportunity for children to play and learn.
- Assists in language development and communication.
- Provides a space for children to participate in and enjoy new activities.
- Provides a stimulated environment where children can acquire new skills and learn.
- Provides access to a variety of toys and equipment.
- Provides a safe and happy place for children.
- Assists children to become ready for the formal learning environment.
- Provides an opportunity to attend excursions and events.
For Adults, PLAYGROUP:
- Gives parents the opportunity to play and interact with their child.
- Provides a great space for social interaction.
- Allows time for parents to share their experiences, ideas and to support one another.
- Provides a routine that allows families to gather and interact.
- Fosters community spirit and assists social networks.
- Provides affordable membership and sessions.