Playgroup SA is working with community Playgroups to ensure we are being as inclusive as we can be of families who have a child or adult with a disability or developmental delay at Playgroup. We call this program PlayTogether.
What are PlayTogether Playgroups?
PlayTogether Playgroups are everyday, community Playgroups where the volunteer coordinators have participated in some additional training and support around disability and inclusion in a Playgroup setting. The Playgroup has also received resources to make small changes at Playgroup that make it more inclusive for everyone. This has included an inclusive checklist, social story, visual communication supports, setting up a quiet area and fidget toys.
Currently, we have 5 Community Playgroups that are recognised as 'PlayTogether' Playgroups. All families are welcome at these Playgroups. Playgroup SA is continuing to work towards supporting as many Playgroups as we can to increase disability awareness and inclusive practices, and to become 'PlayTogether' Playgroups.
PlayTogether Playgroups in South Australia
Baby Connect Playgroup
Wednesdays from 10.00am to 11.30am
(School Term Only)
Connect Church
70 Gordon Street, Albert Park SA 5014
Mary - 0405 747 228
Westbourne Park Uniting Church Playgroup
Wednesdays from 10.00am to 11.30am
(School Term Only)
Westbourne Uniting Church
27 Sussex Street, Hawthorn SA 5062
Jenny - 0401 275 507
St Gabriels School Playgroup
Monday's and Friday's from 9.00am to 11.00am
(School Term Only)
St Gabriel's School
17 Whittington St, Enfield SA 5085
Helen - 8216 9900
For more information
Any families are welcome at these Playgroups. Please call the Playgroup Coordinators on the numbers listed above before you attend, or call Playgroup SA on 1800 171 882 or email For more information.
PlayTogether is funded through a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant.
If you are a Playgroup Coordinator who is interested in becoming a PlayTogether Playgroup, please see the steps to follow below.