


What is Include2Play?

Include2Play is a project to make playgroups across Australia more welcoming for everyone, especially for people from diverse cultural and language backgrounds.
• How can I be involved?
• As part of this project, we’ll be meeting with parents from diverse cultural and language backgrounds who have a child with a disability or developmental delay.
• These meetings, called ‘consultations,’ are private one-on-one sessions between a parent and a project officer
• Our goal is to understand your experiences attending playgroups, and what we learn will help us create resources that promote inclusion for all families.


What will happen if I choose to participate?

• A project officer from Include2Play will schedule a consultation with you.
• We will do our best to have the consultation at a time and place that works for you.
• We may be able to provide you with additional support if needed, for example translators or transport. Please let your project officer know if this is something you need.
• Make sure that the information you share during the consultation is confidential and will only be used for the purposes of the Include2Play project.
• We will provide a payment to each family who attends a consultation to recognise your time and participation.


How will I be paid?

We want our payment process to be clear and fair and we will follow these steps:
• If you participate in the consultation for the whole time, you will be paid. If you cancel, payment won’t apply.
• The payment amount is $30 for up to 30 minutes and $50 for between 30-60 minutes
• You will receive the payment as a digital gift card
• We will send the gift card within 21 days of the consultation using the contact details you provide
• We will keep these contact details confidential
• We may ask you to acknowledge receipt of the gift card.
If you have further questions, please contact Katie Steele 0448 991 549  or email