What's on the Shelf?

What's on the Shelf?

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Do the books you read with your children contain themes relevant to their environment?

There’s a lot to be said about the benefits of reading with children and research from the Center on the Developing Child – Harvard University shows that a vocabulary-rich environment in the early years makes a lifelong difference for educational opportunities. The research states that differences in the size of children’s vocabulary first appear at 18 months of age. By the time Children reach school, those who are engaged in a language-rich environment develop a vocabulary 2 to 3 times larger than those who are not.

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The Art of Storytelling

The Art of Storytelling

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

"After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world". - Philip Pullman

Storytelling is a fascinating, ancient art. The origins of storytelling are many thousands of years old, spanning many cultures and generations.

However and wherever stories are told, whether snuggled up with a book at bedtime, around a campfire or even across the table at Christmas lunch, there is one enduring reason for storytelling - connection and communication.

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